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My Name is Jorge Emanuel Serrano. I was born on March 25, 2003. I am originally from New London, Connecticut. I am the third oldest of nine children, born to my mother, Ludis, and my father, Jorge. I arrived at the seminary on August 25, 2021. I am currently studying Philosophy at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, Connecticut. I my Neocatechumenal community, I can experience the love of God through the brothers and sisters who help direct me to the truth. I have been able to relate to people with different nationalities, cultures, and histories through God's common figure. Before, I though I was alone in the middle of my internal conflict, but God has opened a way for me to share my suffering without fear. I like to play basketball and soccer and study in my spare time. I pray that the Lord grants me the virtue pf being compassionate to others in whatever situation they find themselves in.

Redemptoris Mater Diocesan Missionary Seminary of Bridgeport.

894 Newfield Ave. Stamford, CT 06905


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